Water trreatment

The treatment of swimming pool water has been one of our core competences for a long time. It is therefore scarcely surprising that we are among the leading providers with wide expertise.
Our core competence for half a century
Swimming pools and leisure pools continue to be real magnets for the public, especially in fine weather. To ensure that the water stays clean and clear, it has to be treated. The first and most important step is pH regulation, which contributes significantly to the disinfectants used exploiting their full potential. Water disinfection prevents harmful germs from spreading, forming the second important pillar of water treatment. Flocking agents allow the finest floating particles to be clumped together so that they stay stuck in the filter and the water remains crystal clear. Algae are not only an eyesore but also provide an optimal breeding ground for germs. You can find concentrated and effective helpers in our product range against unwanted algae.
An ideal pH value of 7.0 – 7.4 is the precondition for optimal disinfection. Beyond this value, the disinfecting effect of most products diminishes significantly. But the pH value has an influence not only on the disinfecting effect. If it is too high or too low, it can have an impact on the pool infrastructure and on health. If it is too high, meaning more than 7.8 in an alkali range, the chlorine in particular increasingly loses its effectiveness and that water can become dulled with limestone deposits. If it falls below a value of 6.5, on the other hand (acid range), there is an increasing incidence of eye irritation.
Because of bathers, elements that cannot be seen with the naked eye such as germs and organic substances including hair, flakes of skin, urine or cosmetics get into the pool water. In addition, there are coarser dirt particles such as dust, leaves and insects that fall into the pool and soil the water. Therefore, regardless of the type of pool, the number and habits of the bathing guests, it is an absolute must to regularly treat the pool water with water disinfectants.
Calcium hypochlorite Ca(ClO)₂ of the brand hth® Granular is a particularly effective disinfectant. The product boasts the following quality properties:
- High ratio of active chlorine: 70% (according to analysis data from the production laboratory after manufacturing at our plant). Additionally dried and dedusted, therefore minimised clumping risk. Manufacturing process certified according to ISO 9000: quality control throughout the manufacturing process.
Our products are available in many packaging sizes with a choice of granules or briquettes. These are then infused with specially developed dosing devices.
You can find an overview of the most common disinfectants in public swimming pools here.

The flocking agent dosage is important in the water treatment of every swimming pool. Impurities such as pollen, limestone or green algae would otherwise soon dull the water. Some of these impurities can be so small that they are not retained by the filter and get back into the pool through the cycle. To make it possible to filter them, flocking is carried out. This is a physical and chemical-technical procedure that enables the filtration of tiny colloid particles with a negative charge. The positively charged flocking agent attracts these particles, forming larger particles that can now be filtered.
In order to grow, algae need warm water, sunlight, carbon dioxide and nutrients such as nitrate, for example from the breakdown of chloramines or phosphate. In a pool with optimally set flocking and perfect flow, as a rule no algae can form. But if one has stagnant areas, algae can soon grow. There is a distinction between three important groups of algae: green algae are the most common. They mostly float in the pool water or can be found in stagnant areas. Yellow algae appear as scattered powder on the pool floor and are usually chlorine-resistant, while black (blue-green) algae appear as patches on the wall and are usually the toughest to remove, requiring not only an effective algicide but also mechanical treatment with a brush.
If the swimming pool is carefully prepared for winter during the autumn, expensive frost damage and extensive spring cleaning can be avoided. It is worth rinsing the filter, removing dirt at the edges and on the base of the pool and carefully setting the pool parameters such as the pH and chlorine level in the autumn, as well as throughout the season. Only then should one add a suitable agent for the winter and protect the pool walls against excessive pressure with ice pressure pads.
Excessive deposits of limestone or metal, too many chlorates or mould fungi: all of this can significantly compromise pool maintenance. Our problem solvers will help you to keep your swimming pool clean and to duly remove potential interferences. Contact us if you cannot find “your” problem solver on our menu.