
As a competent partner for public swimming pools, we also cover the area of filtration with innovative filter media, efficient filtering aids and filter technology.
You can rely on our expertise when it comes to the filtration of swimming pool water.
Good filtration is largely responsible for the quality of the bathing water. Apart from the filter medium itself, various aids have a positive influence on filtration. For example, active carbon allows the elimination of chemical by-products from the water. Depending on the filter type, a different filter medium, flocking agent or active carbon will be best for your system. Let us advise you.
Active carbon is an open-pored, fine-grained carbon with a large inner surface, which is used as an adsorption means including in the swimming pool. Through filtration with active carbon filters, chlorine-nitrogen compounds, halogen organic compounds (THM, AOX) and organic compounds are largely eliminated. There are various possible uses for active carbon:
• Packed bed filter: granulated active carbon (GAC)
• Precoat filter: powdered active carbon (PAC)
• Ozoning devices: formed carbon (cylindrical form)
• Dosing devices: formed carbon (cylindrical form)
The greatest pool enjoyment requires the best water quality and uncompromised cleanliness. Modern filter media such as Nature Works Hi-Tech Filter Media improve the consistency of the water and help to ensure a pleasant bathing experience.
Nature Works is a filter medium made of new glass granules that serves as a substitute for quartz sand in all standard filters available on the market, intended for water filtration both in the household (swimming pool) and in industry. It is the only filter medium for water treatment that offers maximum performance, reusability, saving of energy, water and chemicals, certified purity and absolute installation safety. It is an ecological, recycled and reusable product that reduces the environmental impact of water treatment.
Thanks to its progressive anti-condensing technology, its smooth edges and its polyhedral morphology, it prevents the occurrence of biofilm and chloramines. The filter medium does therefore not require a flocking agent and reduces the loss of pressure to a minimum. The quality is guaranteed by international product, production, water treatment and traceability certifications. Our glass filter medium filters fine particles significantly better than quartz sand and achieves filtration levels up to 1 micrometre (sand 20 micrometres).
The question arises as to why quartz sand should be replaced by glass, if it works.
Quartz sand soon clogs. This fosters the formation of bacteria and also leads to higher usage:
• Chemicals due to bacterial infiltration
• Water due to a lack of rinsing
• Energy because of higher pump pressure
As well as:
• Low filter performance after a certain period
• Limited lifespan
Filter anthracite N (Everzit N) is natural, fractured, pure anthracite. This hard, sharp-edged, shiny black material has a slightly splintery grain shape. For use as a filter material, it is sieved in grain groups. Filter anthracite is used primarily in multiple layer filtration (e.g. filter anthracite N through filter sand). Filter anthracite N is used for the filtration of waters dulled by firm and floating particles in the area of drinking, utility and wastewater, as well as in the treatment of pool water.
Celite 535
Celite filter devices are chemically inert and resistant to almost all acids, they can only be attacked by concentrated and hot brines.
Clarcel DIT
Suitable for the treatment of swimming pool water using precoat filtration according to DIN 19’643 and 19’624. Clarcel DIT/R filter aids are maintained through calcination / activation of purified diatomite. Its colour is white and its silicon dioxide content (SiO2) is around 89%. This product conforms to the specifications of the 8th monograph of the US Food Chemical Codex (2012). Granulometry DIT/R 535: ≤ 350 μm, granulometry DIT/2R 545: ≤ 420 μm. First dose: per m² filter surface approx. 1’100 g running dosage as required.
Filter material for precoat filters. Pearlite is a mineral stone resulting from volcanic activities, a seemingly endlessly usable raw material. The natural occurrence is reproduced in a significantly easier and safer way. It is therefore a regenerative basic product. This harbours a planning security that can be manifested over a very long period. It has huge advantages compared to diatomite in terms of usage and weight ratio, as well as the disposal of used filter devices.