We make pros

Successful start to training at CHEMIA BRUGG on 2 August 2023.
On 2 August 2023, CHEMIA BRUGG had the pleasure of welcoming another group of highly motivated trainees to our corporate family. They will extend our team of trainees who have already started their training two years ago and act as role models for those starting out through their previously gathered experience.
The new faces that now enliven our operating premises and offices not only represent the new generation but are also an investment into the future of our company and of the economy in general.
At CHEMIA BRUGG, the training of apprentices plays a central role in the corporate strategy. There are several reasons for this:
In many sectors, including the chemical industry, there is a noticeable shortage of qualified personnel. The targeted training of young talent helps us to counter this. Under the guidance of experienced specialists, the trainees acquire the necessary skills for responsible positions. In addition, specialist knowledge is passed on through the generations, preserving our corporate culture and securing expertise.
Trainees bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas which are valuable in changing business environments. Their openness to new technologies also benefits the further development of our company.
The start of the training of our three apprentices on 2 August was therefore not only a happy occasion but also a further step in the right direction for our organisation. We look forward to accompanying them on their way to professional excellence and wish them fun and success during and after their training.

Jayon Tschinkel
Apprentice Logistician VET

Sophy Fonseca Amoroso
Apprentice trader VET

Danijel Pajkic
Apprentice Logistician VET