Recertification audit ISO 9001:2015 successfully passed!

Three years after the initial certification in the year 2019 and the annual monitoring audits, a recertification audit was planned in March 2022.
Three years after the initial certification in the year 2019 and the annual monitoring audits, a recertification audit was planned in March 2022.
Such an audit takes place at 3-year intervals after the last certification (before the expiry of the old certificate). The ongoing effectiveness and conformity of the management system overall is also checked, along with the confirmation of applicability on the scope of the certification.
Over a period of two days, the auditor checked through discussions with employees how CHEMIA implements quality management. This illuminated processes in management, quality management, logistics and operations, regulatory matters, finances, purchasing, sales, marketing and communication.
The audit went well and no deviations were identified, whereupon CHEMIA was officially recertified.
What drew particular positive attention included the digitisation of the logistical processes and the general development of procedures over the course of the last three years.
Tobias Schild, Director of Security, Technology and Quality: “The fact that we are now officially recertified is thanks to all of us. Let’s enjoy the praise from the auditor and look forward even more to a successful future.”