

Private swimming pools

privates Schwimmbad, Swimmingpool, Geschäftsbereich Schwimmbad private, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

Our product range is targeted towards professional swimming pool manufacturers and comprises numerous components needed for building and maintaining a swimming pool.

Our products for professional swimming pool construction

Pure and clear water in a swimming pool, natural pool or whirlpool is an absolute must! To ensure lasting enjoyment, we offer professional swimming pool manufacturers a complete programme for the construction and maintenance of private swimming pools. In connection to this, we work with leading manufacturers. We pay special attention to coherent solutions, with the aim of offering excellent water hygiene, low electricity and water consumption and especially long-lasting and safe pool technology. You can find further details of the most important product groups below.

  • AQUEA swimming pool water treatment

    AQUEA Schwimmbadwasserpflege, Pflegeprodukte CHEMIA BRUGG AG für private und öffentliche Schwimmbäder

    Over 40 years of experience in swimming pool water treatment is brought together in a product line.

  • BINDER Reverse Flow Systems

    Outstanding swimming experience with BINDER reverse flow systems

  • Filter & pump technology

    Filter- und Pumpentechnik, CHEMIA BRUGG AG, private Schwimmbäder

    Filters and pumps must meet high standards. Our product range exceeds these expectations and boasts product highlights that are second to none.

  • Lining foils & formwork stones

    Auskleidefolien und Schalsteine, CHEMIA BRUGG AG, private Schwimmbäder

    Extra high and wide connection pathways guarantee an optimal, firm connection for greater safety when laying.

  • Measurement, regulation & control technology

    Mess-, Regel- und Steuerungstechnik, CHEMIA BRUGG AG, private Schwimmbäder

    Next level pool: intelligent pool technology significantly raises the comfort of your swimming pool.

  • Mounting parts


    A complete range of high-quality ABS and V4A mounting parts in various colours and variants leave

  • Pool heating & dehumidifier

    Poolheizung und Entfeuchter, private Schwimmbäder, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    Individual pool temperature with smart heat pumps and heat exchangers.

  • Pool robots

    Poolroboter für Reinigung von Boden, Wänden und Oberflächen, BWT, CHEMIA BRUGG AG,  private Schimmbäder

    So that you can enjoy bathing in your own pool to the full throughout the season, it is important to clean the pool regularly.

  • PVC products

    Rohre und Fittinge aus PVC, CHEMIA BRUGG AG, private Schwimmbäder

    Our pipes and fittings made of PVC have perfectly attuned tolerances.

  • Swimming pool covers

    Schwimmbadabdeckungen, WaterBeck, CHEMIA BRUGG AG, private Schwimmbäder

    WaterBeck is characterised by the highest individuality with a focus on precision, quality and service. Flexibility through variety is a further plus point worth mentioning.

  • Water analysis

    Wasseranalyse mit Lovibonnd

    Future-orientated analysis solutions by the market leader Lovibond.

  • Water treatment hth®

    Wasserpflege mit hth-Produkten, private Schwimmbäder, CHEMIA BRUGG AG

    Product innovation for water treatment is the focus of the group strategy

Your contact persons

Bruno Cunha

Sales of private swimming pools

Kevin Schmidt

Team leader for private swimming pools

Soraya Schibli

Internal sales service

Marco Amato

Field sales for private swimming pools

Michael Gugelmann

Project Manager Private Pool & Business Analyst

Thomas Moser

Field sales for public & private swimming pools

Stefan Marčetić

Technical manager swimming pools